Time to pick some reference-related nits.

Time to pick some reference-related nits.
Is the increasingly popular magnet app up to this massive task?
Your book is close to becoming a reality. Make it easy for everyone involved to do their jobs—including you.
A few gangster Microsoft Word tips can make everyone’s life easier—especially yours.
Scribes would do well to take a page from these folks’ books.
I suspect that The Everything Store will limit low-quality knockoffs this year.
For more musings on publishing, click here.
Time to pick some reference-related nits.
Is the increasingly popular magnet app up to this massive task?
Your book is close to becoming a reality. Make it easy for everyone involved to do their jobs—including you.
A few gangster Microsoft Word tips can make everyone’s life easier—especially yours.
Scribes would do well to take a page from these folks’ books.
I suspect that The Everything Store will limit low-quality knockoffs this year.