A simple equation to figure out how much you’ll spend with your writing partner.

A simple equation to figure out how much you’ll spend with your writing partner.
Time to pick some reference-related nits.
Something to think about if you’re unsure of your dates.
A licensed psychologist had an idea for a book. It’s now out.
Is the increasingly popular magnet app up to this massive task?
Every author should embrace this gem of an app.
Your book is close to becoming a reality. Make it easy for everyone involved to do their jobs—including you.
A scribe’s enthusiasm disappears the minute he sees what his publisher will charge for his book.
A simple equation to figure out how much you’ll spend with your writing partner.
Time to pick some reference-related nits.
Something to think about if you’re unsure of your dates.
A licensed psychologist had an idea for a book. It’s now out.
Is the increasingly popular magnet app up to this massive task?
Every author should embrace this gem of an app.
Your book is close to becoming a reality. Make it easy for everyone involved to do their jobs—including you.
A scribe’s enthusiasm disappears the minute he sees what his publisher will charge for his book.