Appearance on Beyond the Cover Podcast

A fun chat about an array of interesting topics.
Sep | 11 | 2023
  Sep | 11 | 2023
BY Phil Simon
  Phil Simon

Appearance on Beyond the Cover Podcast

A fun chat about an array of interesting topics.
Phil Simon
Sep | 11 | 2023

Appearance on Beyond the Cover Podcast

TL;DR: A fun chat about an array of interesting topics.
Phil Simon
Sep | 11 | 2023

Amy Shamroe of Jenkins Group let me appear on her pod to talk about writing, publishing, my evolution as an author, The Nine, and how COVID-19 changed work. Somehow, I worked Kierkegaard, Pearl Jam, Toni Morrison, and football into the discussion.

I had an absolute blast.

Give it a listen below.

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